Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cairo - stor, beskidt, pågående - og spændende anderledes

Efter en påske i Cairo, bliver man glad for at returnere til dansk velfærds-orden. Bilosen og smog'en er næsten ulidelig. Mændenes stærk intimiderende pågåenhed overfor lyshårede kvindelige danskere er ligeså. Og taxaernes trang til snyderi oveni.
Alligevel er Cairo uforglemmelig. Pyramiderne, det egyptiske museum, den gigantiske oase syd for byen, Khan el Khalili-basaren, det venlige og tapre koptiske kristne og Ramses Hilton vil ikke blive glemt. Også ambassadebesøg var spændende - og glædelig af personlige årsager.
Her er et par billeder:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Barcelona og interkulturallitet

På et seminar i Barcelona mødes mange nationaliteter - lærere og studerende - for at udveksle erfaring med interkulturel undervisning. Her var repræsentanter fra Norge, Belgien, Rumænien, Spanien, Portugal, Østrig, Sverige og Danmark.
Alle deltagere bidrog med input og erfaringer og vi besøgte flere spændende institutioner og skoler med massive udfordringer/problemer med immigration. 
Mange yder et fantastisk, idealistisk arbejde og forsøger at skabe sammenhængskraft og citizenship. 
Barcelona spillede ligakamp i weekenden og CL onsdag. Første dag var der udsolgt. Onsdag kostede billetterne 200 euro, så det blev nada for mit vedkommende. Næste gang vil universitetet her skaffe billetter, da flere af spillerne studerer her - bl.a. Iniesta. Jeg glæder mig allerede.

Næste år fortsætter samarbejdet, hvis programmet bliver bevilliget. So, I'll be back.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

DR og Karen

Karen var på DR2-Udland i ½ års praktik. 
Familien fik en rundvisning.

Thomas Kluge Magt og afmagt


Thomas Kluge har skrevet en spændende tekst vedr. magt og afmagt. 
I øvrigt er hans værker super-spændende.

Filmklip og arbejdsspørgsmål vedr. livsværdier

Måske kan de filmklip, vi skal arbejde med i Barcelona inspirere andre. Her følger mine udvalgte klip med arbejdsspørgsmål - på engelsk:

The Shawshank Redemption:
-          arrival
-          music – freedom of spirit – explanation after black hole-experience

Questions for group-debate:
o        What is a prison – physically, mentally and symbolical ?
o        How does the symbols in the film (prison, guns, hole, the mob, guards, Inspector referring to God and the Bible, cells, books, music) refer to existential circumstances in human life ?
o        How do we imprison others and ourselves ? – give examples and evaluate them.
o        How can we liberate others and ourselves ?

Lars and the Real Girl:
-          inclusion
-          accept
-          tolerance

Questions for group-debate:
o        How does Lars’ brother and wife and the physiatrist  react to Bianca and Lars alternative behaviour ?
o        What would you consider a human response to the different situations we have seen ?
o        What are the values behind your considerations ?

The Fisher King:

-          Jack JD: consume-relation, irresponsibility

Questions for group-debate:
o        How would you characterize Jacks behaviour ?
o        What values lies behind Jacks behaviour ?
o        If you where Jack in the scene, how would you have behaved differently ? and why ?

-          Parry makes chair for Lydia

Questions for group-debate:
o        Which values does Parry express with his act and words in the scene ?
o        -              -           -        Lydia   -              -        -     -     -       -            -   -     -          ?
o        How does the scene affect you existentially and ethically ?

-          Grand Central Station

Questions for group-debate:
o        Which fundamental ground-value is the scene based on ?
o        What is the symbolic meaning of the scene from your perspective ?

Lord of the Rings:
-          meeting: divine power => demonizing, divisions and separation
-          sacrifice
Questions for group-debate:
o        how does the different parties at the meeting address the challenge of the Ring ?
o        what is the symbolic and existential meaning behind the after-meeting between Frodo and Bilbo ?

Dead Man Walking:

-          inclusion – priest and sister Helen,
-          responsibility – guilt – human dignity
-          son of God
-           forgiveness, community and cohesion

Questions for group-debate:
o        How would you characterize the two positions taken by the priest and sister Helen in the first scene ?
o        Why is it important for sister Helen to make Matthew realise and admit his responsibility and guilt ?
o        On what basis does sister Helen make it possible for Matthew to confess ?
o        How is Matthew re-included in a human community and cohesion again ?

Once were Warriors:
-          language and bridging

Questions for group-debate:
o        how would you characterize the words used and overall the communication between the man and woman in the scene shown ?
o        which role does the ability of speak and communication play in interrelations ?
o        how can words respectively be edify or decompose in a human relationship ?
o        what examples from your own experience can you give on both edifying and decomposing situations ?

Bagdad café:

-          piano and the melody of life

Questions for group-debate:
-          what in Frau Ms behaviour opens the boy and makes him find the Melody ?
-          find situations where you hold some of your fellowman’s life and happiness in your hand and discuss how to behave properly according to your values ?

-          vacuuming-meeting

Questions for group-debate:
-          how does Frau Münchstettner act to open and include the distant girl ?
-          what act-options would you try in a similar situation ?

Djævelens advokat:
-          responsibility, guild, freedom, egoism, sacrifice, temptation

Questions for group-debate:
o        what is there to criticize on Kevin’s behaviour in his advocate-practise and his life-practise ? Why ?
o        how/with what means does Kevin’s father / The Devil tempt him ?

Erasmus-oplæg i Barcelona

Forbereder Eramus-oplæg i Barcelona vedr. interkulturalitet og værdimøde.

Vi skal se filmklip og derigennem udfordres til stillingtagen vedr. værdier og normativitet. Alt i alt drejer det sig vel om den åbne samtale vedr. Det meningsfulde liv.